Chapter 4.1
Organizational Structure and Meeting Formats
The organizational structure of the consortium is designed to balance the needs of membership representation with effective steering by strategic leadership and with efficient production of consortium work effort.
Membership is organized into a General Body, consisting of all engaged individuals who are employees or representatives of dues paying organizations. IDCA plenaries shall engage and involve principally the General Body membership. A member organization shall designate an individual as their primary representative to IDCA by sending that person’s name and contact information to the Secretary. The member organization shall have the right to substitute (temporarily or permanently) any other employee in case the designated primary representative is not able to participate in the activities of the Consortium by informing the Secretary in a timely manner.
The work effort of the Consortium shall be distributed into Committees, whose number and purpose will be determined by the General Body membership. Each Committee will report to the General Body membership and will elect a Chair from the membership. The Committee Chair will be responsible for defining and leading execution of the Committee’s operational direction and strategy, and for establishing and leading Committee meetings. The Committee Chair will have the authority to elect or appoint further positions within their Committee to assist in the execution of his or her duties. For instance, a Committee Chair can appoint a Committee Secretary whose role is to take minutes during Committee meetings.