The Terms of Reference will be the governing document for the consortium and any change must be approved by a super majority, defined as two-thirds of the voting members of IDCA. 

The IDCA:TOR does not include the Appendices* which have been added to provide more background information about the consortium, example use-cases, and thoughts about how to mature IDCA. As IDCA members establish a consensus roadmap, and the consortium matures, these Appendices will be removed from the final version of the TOR and – at least some of them – be published as IDCA white papers. 

To enable agility during the first year after IDCA becomes a dues-collecting organization, any revisions to the IDCA:TOR can be approved by a simple majority of the voting membership. The starting point for this interim period will be decided by the BoD. 

* Note: the Appendices can be found on the IDCA Teams share version of the IDCA:TOR

Chapter 6

Revising the IDCA:TOR