Diagnostics and Prognostics Using Data Analytics

When confronted with an operational problem on common equipment, would it not be great if airlines could share data efficiently so that the problem can be solved quickly? With operational data increasingly becoming available in a digital format, this is technically not difficult. The biggest barriers to this data-sharing are the lack of trust and transparency and intellectual property issues. IDCA is going to change all that by developing rules and governance policies to ensure that all stakeholders can gain access to relevant data at any time and from anywhere without any of these conventional barriers.

The processes for data access will be based on commonly agreed rules and will use standards-based data management principles. Data will be immediately available to diagnose fleet-wide problems, develop mutually beneficial analytics, and even help create opportunities to develop new data analytical tools. IDCA has been established as a not-for-profit consortium to achieve these common goals. Join us today!

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